Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School Cuteness!

2010_2011_FirstDayOfSchool (1 of 12)   2010_2011_FirstDayOfSchool (4 of 12)   2010_2011_FirstDayOfSchool (9 of 12)


  1. Oh I just LOVE Cody with his backpack!!!!

  2. Thank you, Kim and Erlene! I love that little backpack, but he only liked it until we walked out of the house. Then mommy was the backpack wearer. I did get compliments on it, though! =)

  3. So cute!! I hope he had a great first day at school!

  4. He looks like such a grown up little man! Hope he enjoys school as much as my two do.

  5. Sooo cute! I just put my girl on the bus a bit ago...we love waving at e/o as she pulls away.

  6. Awww he's just adorable! The pictures are fab! Love the Elmo Back pack!

  7. oh my, he is too cute. Hope he had a wonderful first day!

  8. Cute pictures! I hope he had a wonderful first day of a wonderful school year!

  9. You nailed it with the cute-hope he had a great day.

  10. Thanks, ladies!!! He is loving school SO much that he doesn't even want to say goodbye to me when I drop him off. During the 2nd week of school he actually said "just go. I play." when I asked for a kiss and hug. I went to my car and cried. He's growing up. SIGH.
