Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Slow Down

Bay Area Discovery Museum Sausalito 6

This image kind of made me sad. It depicts where Cody is in life. He is a very independent little boy and loves to explore things on his own. He often lets us know when he wants to do things on his own and because he is only 4 it sometimes breaks my heart. This image reminds me of that. He is taking on his little 4 year old world and that the road ahead of him is open. That there are no obstacles that he sees in his path.

He likes to try to walk a few steps ahead of me. I just want him to slow down and stay by my side.

The Kindergarten teachers at the school Cody will be going to next year are excited that he will be in Kinder next year. I am not as eager as them.

The teacher and one of the aids saw us last week when we dropped his brother off at school and they both exclaimed “Next year, Cody!”.  My response is usually the same “Don’t rush him! I mean, me!”   I also advised them that “Kindergarten” is now a bad word as far as I’m concerned. =) I’m not ready for our youngest to go to Elementary school next year, but I guess I’ll have to get used to the fact that he is getting older and that eventually he has to go to school full-time. But for now, Kindergarten will be a bad word!! =)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bay Area Discovery Museum – A Great Place for Kids (and Parents)

For the boys’ last day of summer vacation, we took them to the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito. It was our first time there and will definitely not be our last!

There were so many activities for the boys and they had a blast at all of them!  I appreciated that the activities and exhibits were very kid friendly and that the boys could run around each exhibit without the worry of running into something or breaking something. That is what set this museum apart from most museums we have been to. It was very hands-on and if you have boys (or toddlers for that matter), everything is hands-on. :)

There was so much to do and we spent a few hours just wandering around. We even made our rounds to exhibits twice.

My boys are 4 and 7 and they each thoroughly enjoyed this place. I suggest bringing your kids to the Bay Area Discovery Museum. They had buildings set up with different fun, yet educational, themes. From Space to Ocean Life and Art to a Train Set (where Cody spent a good chunk of his time at) there were lots of fun exhibits.

Bay Area Discovery Museum Sausalito 3

Bay Area Discovery Museum Sausalito 7


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Living With Special Needs Website

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked if I would like to contribute articles to a website for special needs children.


It didn’t take much thinking for me to say “YES!”

It is still new (and seeking more contributors if you are interested!), but I see the potential in the site and appreciate its goal. With so many unknowns about the many special needs diagnosed, it is beneficial to have a resource for parents to share, learn, and support each other.

The contributors are primarily mothers  with children with Special Needs. I invite you to visit each of their blogs listed on their bios.

Friday, August 13, 2010

10 Random Things About Cody

  1. He is a Yo Gabba Gabba FANATIC – that one wasn’t a secret =)
  2. If there’s a  song playing, he will stop what he is doing and dance
  3. He is the first person to say “Bless You” if someone sneezes, even if the sneeze is not real
  4. When he says “no!”, he means no and you can’t change his mind
  5. He absolutely idolizes his big brother
  6. If something is missing in the house, most of the time Cody can tell you where it is – after all, he was the one that hid it in the first place! ;)
  7. If anyone ever needs a hug, Cody is always willing to offer one. And if he doesn’t offer one, you can usually steal one and he still doesn’t mind.
  8. Cody was left handed then switched to right handed last year
  9. I think he will make an awesome UFC fighter. The boy has moves and can throw a good punch. My cheeks and stomach can vouch for that one.
  10. It doesn’t matter what shoes he is wearing, he will always take off the right one

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Potty Training Tips?

Cody is 4 and shows little interest in potty training. He knows what it is and what he is supposed to do, but seems content in his diapers. Not that I can blame him. It is much easier to have someone else take care of changing a diaper for you instead of taking the time to go to the bathroom and do it yourself, right? =)

We have tried the Elmo Potty Book and Elmo Potty Movie. We even tried his brother’s favorite DVD and CD, Once Upon a Potty. He showed no interest in the “old school” animation and laughed at it!!!!

I would love to hear any tips or tricks that you used to get your little one potty trained!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Cody is starting his 3rd year of preschool in 2 weeks and it is bitter sweet for me.

This will be the first year that he is going to school four days straight. The thought of “what am I going to do without kids for four days, three hours a day” is still shocking, I can’t help but feel guilty that I am secretly enjoying the thought of 12 hours of “me” time each week. I will miss my little munchkins like crazy, but the thought of being able to go to the gym again, enjoy my morning coffee in just one sitting and not having to reheat it at as the morning passes, working quietly in my office without the worry of what that last crash was and just the simple thought of silence is appealing. :)

Cody will do great in school – he always does, but I wonder how he will react when 3 of his “girlfriends” aren’t in class. I am sure he will get over the heartbreak of not seeing them and find new friends. It is just his nature.

Speaking of nature – Cody is quite the tornado. So much that I refer to him as the Codnado. Here is proof?


This is the latest trend in sofas as defined by the Codnado. Cushions go UNDER the sofa cover. Apparently, it is much more comfortable that way. I find him sitting on that sofa more and more now that it is Cody-ized.