Monday, September 27, 2010

Step Up for Down Syndrome - 6th Annual DSIA Walk for Down Syndrome

Our family is excited to be participating in our first Walk for Down Syndrome on October 17th in Sacramento.

If you are local and are considering walking with us, here are the details of the event.


To join Cody’s Gabba Gabba Gang team, visit our team’s home page and click on Join Our Team. We would love to have you join us!!!

If you are not local, but would like to help us raise money for the Down Syndrome Information Alliance, please feel free to donate here or contact Michelle to arrange a donation.

Thank you so much for your support! We have already had some  generous donations come in and we GREATLY appreciate it. Cody will be happy to give you all GIGANTIC hugs when he sees you!

We are looking forward to participating in the walk and meeting other families whose children have designer genes like Cody! ;)  Don’t worry, there will definitely be pictures posted after the event.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Cody can’t get enough of Lexus. He wakes us up at 6 in the morning some days just to tell us “that’s Lexus!”

  Cody (31 of 100)

A little background on these two-

Lexus is not the puppy that we intended on buying when we went to the breeder. I had already put claims on a black mini schnauzer girl puppy the day before when I went there with just DJ. When we went to see the puppy the next day, Cody came along and wanted nothing to do with the black puppy (Cody does NOT like small dogs).

He kept going up to one particular puppy and even pet her. He had never pet a small dog before or even willingly acknowledged one so this was a huge step for him.

Throughout the visit he kept going back to her.

We had no choice but to choose this little puppy as our “Lexus” and not the black puppy. Apparently, Cody knew something we didn’t because she is such a well-mannered puppy and she is patient with the boys and puts up with their antics.

Cody and Lexus have a special bond (though DJ claims the puppy is his). I constantly find the two of them cuddling up together and he even lays in her bed with her sometimes.

Cody (33 of 100)Cody (43 of 100)

He is saying “that’s Lexus” in this picture. :) 

Cody (35 of 100)

A lot of times, I find them sitting together just like this.

Cody (48 of 100)

This was supposed to be a picture of just her, but someone managed to get his face in the picture, too. He has been doing a lot of picture bombing lately.

 Cody (40 of 100)

This is the face she gives when she is ready for Cody to stop “playing’ with her. Doesn’t she just look sad???

Cody (44 of 100)




5 Minutes for Special Needs

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh that face!

I just LOVE this face!

Cody (2 of 100)

He is SOOO over getting his picture taken!

Cody (4 of 100)

Monday, September 6, 2010


Cody LOVES to draw. I enjoy that he is now starting to draw faces and things are starting to look like what he says they are. =)

One of his favorite games is asking us to draw something so he can guess it. He likes to draw things, too, and have us guess.

Cody (12 of 100) Cody (14 of 100)

This is him asking “what’s this?”

 Cody (15 of 100)

When I don’t guess right, he gives me this “you DON’T know what IT IS?” expression. It makes me laugh every time!

 Cody (16 of 100)

Apparently drawing is exhausting.

 Cody (24 of 100)

This is him signing and telling me I drew a '”pig”. (Please do not look at the drawing. I’m not very good at drawing so it amazes me that Cody knows what I drew!)

Cody (28 of 100)